Tuesday, 24 August 2010

The Alice in Wonderland Book I illustrated has been published!!!

Die Avonture van Alice in Wonderland

Author: Lewis Carroll

Translator: André P. Brink

Illustrator: Marjorie Van Heerden
Human & Rousseau (Pty) Ltd

ISBN: 9780798151511

The author...

See below some of the Illustrations for “Die Avonture van Alice in Wonderland”as they appeared in the published book.

In this publication there is a total of 79 illustrations: 51 B/W (grayscale) and 28 full-colour

Friday, 22 January 2010

Delivered Alice in Wonderland illustrations!!

My apologise for being sooo quiet lately... that's the last 4 months - been underground... literary - with Alice
I delivered the Alice in Wonderland illustrations this past Monday... 52 black & white illustrations and 28 colour illustrations - mostly spreads, Slept a bit and now I'm slowly but surely creeping up to the surface.
Will do some proper posting in the next few day - but in the meantime here is a peep

final Artwork

Rough Illustration

Final Artwork

Rough Illustration

Final artwork

rough Illustration

Final Artwork

Rough illustration

Final Artwork

Rough illustration

Final Artwork

Rough Illustration

Final Artwork

Rough Illustration