To answer the question from an illustrator working mostly for the educational market - How do I break into the trade market?
This could be a discussion that could take days and many cups of earl grey tea - there is so many essential bits and pieces – then there is also the magical - being in the right place at the right time.
Basically It has to do with a mind change, illustrating happens in your mind not on the paper.
You need to take your illustrations into the next level. Away from stereotyping, away from minimulising because of a time restrain.
So… Spend the time and really look at the trade books – try and find out what gives some picture books that magical feel. Why they stand out from other books?
Join children’s book organisations like SCBWI (Society of children’s book writers and illustrators )
Attend conferences -
Attend SCBWI SA events and get-togethers - get onto the mailing list so that you can get the circulars about upcoming events
Attend Illustration workshops and courses -
I’m giving a children’s book illustration course for the 2011 CCIBA Creative Workshops to be held from 5 – 9 September 2011 at the Stellenbosch University Department of Visual Arts -
Perhaps at one of the SCBWI SA events we can talk more about… how do I break into the trade market?